- 吉: 你都记下了吗? Have you got all that?
- 吉:你都记下了吗? Have you got all that?
- 这个男孩全部记下了你给他讲的那个故事。 The boy lapped up all the story you had told him.
- 我几次流离,你都记数;求你把我眼泪装在你的皮袋里。这不都记在你册子上吗? Record my lament; list my tears on your scroll - are they not in your record?
- 你不是该去准备一下了吗?-我还有时间。 Shouldn't you be getting ready? -I still got time.
- 汽车驾驶员的姓名和地址被警察记下了。 The motorist's name and address were taken down by the policeman.
- 你好,彼得。很高兴又见到你。好久没见了。一切都好吗? Hello, Peter. Good to see you again. It's been a long time. How's everything going?
- 他把我说的都记下了。 He noted down everything I said.
- 那些碟子你还没有洗吗?我弄不懂你都把时间花在什么上了。 Haven't you got those dishes done yet? It beats me what you do with your time.
- 您记下那辆车的车牌号了吗? Have you got the license number of the car?
- 他记下了闲暇时想到的一些看法。 He jotted down the conceits of his idle hours.
- 大家都到齐了吗?好,我们言归正传。尼克,你的计划进展的如何了? Is everyone here? Ok, let's get down to business. How is your plan going, Nick?
- 他记下了她的演说。 He took down her speech.
- 我们度假需要做的预订工作你都办好了吗? Have you made the reservations for our holiday?
- 她记下了我的地址。 She nicked down my address.
- 那些碟子你还没有洗吗?我弄不懂你都把时间花在什么上了。 Haven't you got those dishes done yet? It beats me what you do with your time.
- 警察记下了我所说的每一个字。 The policeman noted down every word I said.
- 你今天早上是怎么啦?脸色这么难看。早上起身下错床了吗? What's wrong with you this morning? You look terrible. Did you get out of bed from the wrong side?
- 每天早上, 老师都记下学生们到校、旷课以及迟到等出勤情况。 Each morning the teacher marks the pupils present, absent or late.
- 你都要扣我工资了,还指望我感激你吗? DO you expect me to be grateful to you when you cut down my salary?